Earning the sofa
If there was ever a day for not venturing beyond your front door, this was it. Cold, wet, windy. Just horrible.
So of course we decided to have a nice trip out to Melrose.
We figured if it was still raining when we got there (duh) we'd go to Sir Walter Scott's house first, seeing as how the Abbey is missing a roof. Turned out there was a wedding on there, so we fought our way through all the elegantly dressed guests in our wet cagouls and had a look around the couple of rooms that weren't being used for the wedding. There were some really interesting things to look at (though I found the portrait of Mary Queen of Scots the day AFTER her execution a little bizarre). As always with these centres of Scottish history, Mr B will say 'That sword belonged to the Marquis of Montrose' in that way that we're clearly all meant to fall on the floor with wonder and joy. I think our blank looks were a little disturbing for him. (Note to self: find out who Marquis of Montrose is.)
Somewhere near where this photo is taken, is the lintel stone of the Tollbooth that used to stand where the heart of midlothian is. We were lurking trying to find it, with the kids getting increasingly miserable. Then it was a quick dash back to the car and into the nearest pub for a really nice meal.
Back at home later we all snuggled up under a big blanket and watched 'The Sword in the Stone' (rubbish).
I suppose it's going out in the cold that makes you appreciate a warm sofa more.
(Have just had a quick Marquis of Montrose history lesson. Interesting chap, lots of battles, sticky end. Usual story.)
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