Flowers Alang Da Burn

It's been a lovely day.  It started fairly overcast but the sun did eventually come out :)

Weekend off and up early and out with the washing :)  Mam popped over this morning and so did Brian and then we set off to Lerwick for the morning.  I went to Scalloway in the afternoon and popped along a few friends for tea. 
This evening has been spent in the garden planting more flowers and also some bushes too.  Hopefully the bushes will help shelter the front garden from the SE breezes.  As I finished, sister Laura and her family popped along with mam for a cuppa and a chat, had a great evening. 

When I was in Scalloway, me and Sammy had a lovely walk around the village.  We nipped into the small forest at Lovers Loan and the forest floor is blooming with colour along the burn.  

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