Year Three

By RobotChicken

Neurotic Dog

The boys got so glum earlier when we said we were going out without them.

So we decided to take them with us out of guilt. Little Mason was so happy, yelping with delight, dancing round the house, even barking at my wife to hurry her up. Must admit she takes a short sharp bark better than when I try and hurry her up. JB was long since sitting in the truck, taking orders like a champ "get in the back" - so he hops over the front seats and sits in the back, "sit down", promptly parks his bum down rather than getting into everything in the back of the truck.

Odd how our boys seem to understand us when they want to....

Stopped at a store on the way and Mason was so neurotic. He hates watching the wife leave him.

Interesting thing, met the next door neighbour at our house in Loop. We want his empty shell of a building to extend our garden. We'll be talking to him in September.

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