Simply Me

By Suze981


The little pinkness yesterday turned into sunburn. It happens every year so I shouldn't be surprised. I think I spent a little too long in the sun.

Today, I totally covered up - no one was going to see my bikini clad body. 3/4 length trousers and a long floaty top was called for. My delicate British skin can't handle this Canarian sunshine.

We went for a walk from Los Christianos to Playa de las Americas. I didn't realise how far it was. We stopped for ice cream and drinks in the middle, but we were out for 5 hours in total.

My legs were screaming at me by the time we got back. I thought they'd healed, but I might have done too much too soon. They're up on the couch now though, having a rest before we go back out for tea. Keri, the sun demon, is out on the balcony, but I'm chilling inside for a bit with my book!

One of my favourite bits of the walk were the sand castles that people were making. This was my favourite. You can't beat castles and dragons!

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