Still some snow

Woke this morning to a clear sky, and almost no wind. At our meeting yesterday Jim had said that he intended to cycle out to the Te Rewa Rewa Bridge as he wanted to get a photo of the sun rising behind the bridge. I thought I could run out the same way, but along one of the streets, past Lake Rotomanu, and arrive at the bridge that way.

Just as I arrived, Jim was walking over the bridge with his camera and tripod ready to set up. Good to met up with him again. I took a quick photo "through" the arch of the bridge as the sun continued to lurk behind the trees and hills to the east. Decided, I would start back along the Coastal Walkway.

Only about 100m along I saw a Kawau tuawhenua (the Great Cormorant)on a rock, and was able to get a very good photo, especially in the low light. Further back to the city, and I saw Taranaki through a gap in the trees, and got the photo.

It was about 5 - 10 minutes after official sunrise, and the light hitting the  mountain was still orange. Makes for a beautiful shot.

Later this morning S and I went to Pukekura Park, and walked around the azalea dell (only a few in flower), and just enjoyed the peacefulness of the gardens. Then back here for a relaxing afternoon, watching the sea and and the sun.

Late in the afternoon, we were entertained by an aerial display by three small aeroplanes. Went on for almost an hour.

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