Light Moments

By CraigLindley

ANZAC Commemoration 2015

On the morning of 25 April 1915, Australian and New Zealand troops landed under fire at Gallipoli. It was then and in the battles which followed that the ANZAC tradition was formed. It is on ANZAC day, above all days, we remember all those who served our nation in times of war. We remember their courage, what they accomplished for Australia and their sacrifice. 

At the Village Glen Retirement Village where my parents live, they always commemorate ANZAC day early. Those that served, who are able, and who are willing, adorn their medals and line up for the "march". A catafalque party from HMAS Cerberus attend and a fly by from the airforce occurs. This year Lieutenant Andrew Fenn saluted the old diggers and those that served in other nations armed forces as they 'marched' past as best as they were able, some with the aid of sticks and others in wheelchairs. They marched in their services, first the navy, then the army and the airforce. No doubt they debated the order at length. The service as always was moving.

This year is special, commemorating 100 years since the ANZACs landed at Gallipoli, and next Saturday at dawn, we will again remember.

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