Simply Me

By Suze981

These boots are made for walking

I've never been much of a walker. Of course not general walking, I've done that most of my life, but proper hillwalking.

I'm still occasionally coughing up unpleasant coloured gunk, so I'm avoiding running for the time being. I'm trying other pursuits to keep me out of bother!

We went on a lot of walking jaunts when I was younger, so I know the basics but I'm not especially confident striking out on my own with only a compass. With that in mind I awoke early and got on a bus to Balerno to go for a short woodland walk. I've never seen much of the Pentlands and decided on the nice, easy Harlaw Woodland Walk.

I ended up walking 5 miles in total, with a few detours off the beaten track. It was rather nice to be out and about rather than in my same old regular haunts. It was rather pretty too, in between rain showers.

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