Easy, like Sunday morning.

I went out for a walk  this morning, to practice for the Race for Life, that i hope to do in May.  I pass a  block of flats ,that are  used as sheltered accommodation, and around the back, i saw that someone had made this feeder for the squirrel. I  saw and heard him, take the nuts out of the box. He spotted me ,and just  stood stock still. I moved one step closer, and he ran away.  I carried on with my walk, and went through Newbridge Fields.  There were a few different teams of youngsters, playing rugby , and people walking their dogs. It was just great to be out in the sunshine ,on a beautiful Spring morning.  When i got home, J was still out on his motorbike, so i made myself a coffee, and read the paper. Hubby has now returned, and is cooking dinner. Today we are having duck with roast potatoes, French green beans, carrots , broccoli and courgettes. Mmmm. it smells delicious. I like Sundays. 

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