Recipe for a Sunday Afternoon
An afternoon spent making veggie and cheddar cheese puff pastry pasties, (boil sweet potatoes, carrots, parsnips - mash to mush, add the grated cheese + seasoning and 'Daddies' sauce and fill puff pastry envelopes) while watching four episodes of 'Blue Murder'. Made enough to keep me going for the rest of the week - breakfast, lunch and dinner. Only possible after a trip to England for parsnips and cheese and Daddies sauce. Seemed like a good idea at the time for want of anything else to do on this damp, dismal and dreary Sunday. Anything is better than ironing.
Meanwhile, Elizabeth had other plans, mostly involving warm radiators.
Cue song 'Lazy Sunday Afternoon '- Small Faces (1968)
oh, almost forgot - my brother and my older nephew both celebrate their birthdays today.
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