Blackford Hill
Looking down at reflections of Blackford Hill. A lovely evening.
Decided to go for a wander as it was such a lovely evening. Started at Blackford Pond and there were some brilliant photo opportunities to be had but when I tried to take a photograph I realised the battery was still in the charger at home. Watched as a female duck was being chased by three male ducks then by 7 children. Glared at the parents - me not the duck - and saw she had found a safe place so went back to the car. Flattish tyre - so had to use the little motorised pump thing but couldn't remember what the tyre pressure should be. Asked someone who was walking by if they knew - surprisingly they didn't but they did suggest googling the question. Did that and realised I had put too much air in (double the amount) so had to let the tyre down a bit. Then drove home and retrieved the battery and headed back. As I drove by I saw the little duck sitting on the edge of the pavement so I gently shooed her back through the railings and checked she was ok. A woman and her two little children had been trying to coax her back in so we chatted about the trials and tribulations of the little duck. By then the light was beautiful but going. Took some pictures and thought I would head over to Arthurs Seat to watch the sunset but the road was closed so headed to Cramond where there was a collection of young swans and a large gaggle of geese. Stopped at the only shop open to get food and drink and bumped into friend I hadn't seen in ages so we had a chat. Headed home. Uploaded photo a day late as fell asleep.
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