Off for a swim

The first grey day for a while and with nothing much planned Anya and I had a relaxed morning.
I then decided to take Anya swimming for the afternoon. She fell asleep in the car so we wandered around this park in Godmanchester before going to the pool.
We've not been swimming for ages and I wasn't sure how she would like it as she isn't keen on lying down in the bath anymore. However, I'm so glad we went, she loved it! Splashing, squealing, happy under the water and happy floating in a ring whilst I had a swim.
By the time we had showered, battled through the school kids to get a cubicle, chatted to the school kids & had lunch it was 2pm before we left!

Andrew was home early and enjoyed playing with Anya until bedtime. Once asleep we didn't hear a peep from her until 8am; happy weekend!

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