Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

The Weekend!

Back Blip

It's the weekend! End of week 1 and all is well. To celebrate, I went for dinner on the terrace of one of the big hotels. I had small bowls of hummus, tabouleh, tahini, and my favourite from last visit - spicy cheese (thick and creamy like hummus), dark honey and hot leavened bread. The bread was the size of a big pizza and I could only manage three squares of it, so the waiter insisted I took a doggy bag! This was snapped from the back seat of a rather speedy taxi on the way back. Now in the internet cafe opposite my hotel catching up on back blips before going to bed. Sorry for no comments this week, but week 1 is always busy and after eating and preparing for the next day I fall into bed! Looking forward to catching up tomorrow. Have a nice weekend!

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