"I Dream Of Cheesie With the Light Brown Rind..."

Hooray!  Our beloved Blipping friend "Subjunctive", her husband, and those two famous blonde bombshells Soleil and Arwen arrived today to stay with us for a couple of nights while Subjunctive runs in the Boston Marathon tomorrow. 

This shot just makes me hoot with laughter!  Here you see dignified Soleil, who is oh, so well mannered, decorously eyeing the tempting plate of cheese and crackers laid out before her.  Then you have the ever-mischievous Arwen, who is also trying her absolute best NOT to leap onto the coffee table and snarf the entire plate down in one bite.  She has decided that if she SQUEEZES her eyes closed tight enough, perhaps the temptation might just disappear, and she won't get herself into another pickle ....

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