Warming up

Rain has gone and we are promised a week of dry weather and temperatures going up. We will still have frosts to cope with and traditionally this risk remains until the "Ice Saints" days end on 15th May (really 25th May if you take into account the Gregorian calendar changes of 1582).

Angie, Rosie & Luna out for a morning ride. I had just delivered Flash with the car and as all BC owners know, a BC doesn't walk behind the rest but Flash was still as stiff as a board and needed a few minutes to get the joints warmed up. Then he could take up his position alongside Angie while Luna guarded the forward position. After 30 minutes I picked Flash up again and we headed home.

Just after we got back, Tom a colleague and friend from Munich arrived to collect the Unimog I had collected for him 10 days ago. It's for his daughters 3rd birthday in a years time. By the time he will have completely rebuilt the Unimog with electic motor and, and, and, and! Typical engineer - sort of person who I could do with as a next door neighbour! Tom came alone today, his wife and daughter exhausted after a busy week and that suited us as we were also exhausted. In the summer we will do a family BBQ day. However gave Tom & I the chance to catch up on work news. Good to see him as always.

After Tom set off, I donned helmet and did some tree felling. Not connected with storm but generally making the area around the house a bit clearer and getting rid of some trees spoiling the view. I suspect we have enough firewood for the next 3 winters. In the last 13 years we have never needed to buy firewood at most pay the forestry commision a fe euros for the waste wood we cleared out of the forest.

Angie managed a second ride in the evening on Sultan accompanied by Luna. Flash stayed at home to protect me.

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