My changing life

By Shelley2011

Central park - new swings!

Another rough night for melody and her parents! She awoke loads sooooo hot - mike got the cheap calpol and she wouldn't take it but I didn't know there was a problem so didn't know why she was kicking off so bad! No lie in either but we bimbled over to caths for coffee - Julie also there and boys - but Alfie punched Melody in the dace a few times and threw a brick at her - I was very protective and tried to stop him and Julie sent him to the naughty corner - later met the mums in central park for a picnic and play in park -melody is fine until the calpol wears off - today did my final offer letter to work and hoping they accept it and I don't have to put my notice in - tonight leftover pasta bake for tea and then I went out for a manicure at the college - lush :)

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