
By Fido

Game night / date night.

The older two were back at school today and they were fine about it really. We've had a lovely and long holiday but I think they were happy to be back with their friends and for the middle boy, his two new teachers.

I've had a lovely holiday too but I was a bit anxious last night because the end Of the holidays means I need to get back into the swing of actually doing the washing and the ironing and shopping and all the mundane normal things like actually hoovering the filthy carpets, but you know, in the end the day was lovely. I got some jobs done, took the littlest to toddler group where I am finally making some friends, and then spent the rest of the day in the garden.

My lovely husband was in Edinburgh all day and he came home as the older two boys were just switching their lights off. He suggested a glass of wine and a game of carcasonne and I couldn't resist. The ironing pile can wait.

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