
By TrudievA

Swimmer through the waves of air


Burly dozing humblebee!

Where thou art is clime for me.

Let them sail for Porto Rique,

Far-off heats through seas to seek,

I will follow thee alone,

Thou animated torrid zone!

Zig-zag steerer, desert-cheerer,

Let me chase thy waving lines,

Keep me nearer, me thy hearer,

Singing over shrubs and vines.

Insect lover of the sun,

Joy of thy dominion!

Sailor of the atmosphere,

Swimmer through the waves of air,

Voyager of light and noon,

Epicurean of June,

Wait I prithee, till I come

Within ear-shot of thy hum,—

All without is martyrdom.

- by Ralph Waldo Emerson -

The theme for todays' Mono Monday is AIR. Hosted by notowennewitt.

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