She's just being Amanda

By AmandaPanda

A view from my castle

Its my last night home. Its sad because I miss the freedom that i have at home. It is a completely different freedom from the type I get at Marist. At Marist i don't have to answer to anyone, I do want i want when i want. I am essentially alone.

But at home I get to do all the weird things I can't do at Marist. I am at home with people who i don't have to explain my thought process and why i behave a certain way. it makes me miss it something terrible.

This is a view from my apartment, i love the feeling of being so high. I'm not that high to feel secluded but far enough to not feel suffocated.

p.s i'm friends with babe again =P

"New York is an exciting town where something is happening all the time, most unsolved." - Johnny Carson

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