
By Amanda93

A new season..

So much is happened since I last got a chance to have a real catch up on here. Firstly, I have now moved out of my old room and into a shared room with a good friend of mine, Mel. She is a lovely young lady, who shares many of my beliefs and values. We are having an absolute blast together, and she is truly a blessing. I have taken up playing the guitar, and with the help of Mel, and another friend who has leant me his guitar I am having a blast. We have 'jam' sessions regularly and they are heaps of fun :) Things are pretty busy uni wise, with exams next week the pressure is on. So far uni has been pretty good, tough at times, but I've managed to pass everything I've sat so far so it's been successful.
I now have four best friends outside of my hall, who are also nurses and are such a blast to hang out with. We have 'biweekly' dessert dates and regular coffee dates, filled with many deep and meaningful conversations and lots of laughter!
Life up here all up is great. I amazed everyday at what God is doing in my life and I look forward to what the future has to bring!!!

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