On our little trip through the garden I found some camelia flowers lyibg on the terrace floor. Inadvertently I picked them up and lay them on the marble table. And the picture came to me!
The camelia has so many buds and every day new flowers open up.
A marvellous sunny day again.  The perfect day for resting again. Slowly our strength builds up and our spirits too.
To be able to read a book, or just to sit slumbering or enjoying the birds around us.
Our neighbour was so friendly to lend me the book written by Rachel Joyce: The unlikely pilgrimage of Harold Fry and I found this book endearing and it gave me lots of food for thought.

My haiku:

Pick me up lay me
Down see the petals colour
From brilliant to dull

And the proverb:

Dull as a beetle.

1520  in Whittinton, Vulg. 36.

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