A magical day

An early start again - we're getting good at the breakfast rush now!

Our first task today was to wait in line to meet the legendary Mickey and Minnie Mouse and get the most important autographs and photos of our trip! Olivia has worn her Jessie outfit most days but Friday was the day that she planned to be a Princess (even though she had absolutely no interest in meeting the Princesses, which was good for us as I overheard someone saying that they had waited for over two hours!). She also managed to talk Dex into wearing his Woody outfit as he has refused up until today. They both looked fantastic in their outfits and were super excited. I was impressed with how much time Mickey and Minnie spent with the kids, hugging them and being silly and how we weren't rushed. Although there was an official photographer they were more than happy for you to take your own photos and they were more than happy to take photos of all of us using our cameras. A good experience.

Rides/shows today:
* Ratatouille : we used a fast pass for this and despite some earlier technical problems it was well worth the wait as it was fantastic. Definitely a firm favourite.
* Studio Tram Tour: fab, although Dex was a bit scared when the tram started to rock and water came gushing down the 'mountain.' It was all part of the tour and was really well done.
* Buzz Lightyear character meet: there was a really short queue but just as there was one family left in front of us Dex had a huge melt down saying that he was scared of Buzz and didn't want to meet him. Not embarrassing at all!
* CineMagique: For adults this show was absolutely fantastic as all the classics were brought to life, but both my two were a bit scared and wanted to leave. There was no warning given on the programme, unfortunately.
* As we came out of CineMagique we timed it perfectly to see another little parade where the characters were signing autographs and posing for photos. Neil took Dex off to meet Woody who did a double take when he saw Dex dressed the same as him! Dex was rewarded with several high fives from Woody at different times in the parade which made his day. Olivia hunted down Jessie which she was excited about and I have a lovely photo of them. It would have been great if Olivia had of been wearing her Jessie outfit at the time but not to worry.

Back to the hotel for a nap for Dex and I whilst Olivia and hubby played aerobie outside. After a wash and an outfit change - Olivia now in her Jessie outfit and Dex in normal clothes, we headed back into the park for our final evening. We finally managed to get on Thunder Mountain using our fast passes from yesterday. Dexter likes fast rides so we thought he'd be okay but unfortunately not. Poor little thing really wasn't happy whereas I think Olivia would still be on it now if she could!
Then we settled into a great spot on Main Street to watch the Disney Magic Parade which was fab. This time as Jessie was dancing down the street she stopped as she spotted Olivia wearing the same outfit as her and came straight over. I managed to get a quick photo (shown above) when Jessie spots Olivia and then luckily I filmed the rest. It really was magical to watch and Olivia was made up. It was also pretty amazing that she saw Olivia as there must have been thousands of people watching the parade and those big costumes can't give you the best view. However we had a very happy little girl.
We had a final surprise for the kids this evening as we took them to see Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show with Mickey and friends. It was the icing on the cake for a great day as the show was spectacular. We were all given cowboy hats and were assigned to different teams and as we ate our spare ribs, sausages, roast potatoes and corn bread (from frying pan style plates) we whooped and cheered, banged our cutlery on the table, stamped our feet and generally had a very good time (although Dex did complain at one point that it was too noisy!).

Wow. What a day.

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