Sandy's Photo Journal

By SandyDuncan

How Many?

On the way to taking Mike to his Further Maths exam a real shame when the rest of the school is on inset day! I wanted to show him the nest I found on Wednesday.
Imagine my surprise when I saw all these little ducklings having a swimming lesson. Oh Bless.
Unfortunately, mum would not get close enough to them to be in the picture as well and dad was keeping an eye on us.
Having been told to hurray up four times or Mike would be late, I snapped away as quickly as I could.
On my return I was disappointed as the pictures were all a little blurred again. Not sure if a setting on my camera is wrong, but all pictures on full zoom seem to be blurred at the moment. Any way I decided still to blip the ducklings as they may not be all together again.
It's Friday - Have a great extended weekend everyone. ENJOY the celebrations or just the rest :)

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