
By xhoniah


yay! It's finally June .. omg where's the time gone? this time last year I was on heights trying to speculate what's gonna happen anytime ...having a baby bump for the first time I was both excited and anxcious of when the baby is coming out and see the world!! Is it going to be a boy or a girl?? susshhh twas really exciting back then ..

A year later, wow! with so much drama and surprises... I am already a very happy mom of a beautiful baby girl who eats more than momma! look now how much she has eaten this afternoon... 2 down 1 more bottle to go and its only her snack! she is trying to prove shes half asian so shes eating too much rice like adults! ..

ahhh my baby and her healthy apettite :) i hope she will continue to be a happy eater !

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