Saw my first ducklings today at French Weir in Taunton.  This poor little one suddenly realised he was being left behind!

This is a wonderful sight, but sadly as I left work today and took Phoebe for a walk up the lane I spotted a buzzard sitting on the post by Sir's pond.  It took off and I managed to capture it on the camera.  It was only when I came to upload the shots to the computer, I realised it was carrying a Housemartin.  They have flown all the way over the world, glad to be here and......., I felt sick!  I was certainly not going to share the sight with you!

Otherwise the day has been beautiful, not a cloud in the sky and so bright.  We are still waiting to exchange contracts, and I only hope it happens by the end of the week.

Certainly a lesson of faith.  I hope you have all enjoyed a peaceful day, and if you have been faced with difficulties, you have overcome them.

Thankyou my faithful friends for the kind comments on my helicopter blip.  And on that note!, I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep. xxx

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