Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

Scrubs up nicely

Shower, shave and ......

Feeling refreshed which is more than could be said for earlier in the week.

Time for a major rant. Exit now if you don't want to hear it.

Still here? OK, here goes.

Diana's great aunt died yesterday. Aged 90 or thereabouts. Mags was her only surviving relative until she passed away in December and after Mags, it is Diana and Sue. In her later years, Aunty Day was looked after by a carer. You may not be surprised to hear that Aunty Day changed her will in recent years leaving everything to her carer.  The family were aware of this and chose not to contest it. It was just too fraught a process and too painful, not to mention potentially very expensive. This lady knows what she is doing - this is the second person to die in her care who has left everything to her despite there being surviving relatives.

Anyway, as I said, the family had let that issue go. What galls is that this woman and her friend accomplice are now trying to take over the funeral arrangements, telling Diana that they want a huge floral arrangement on the coffin and will write and read the eulogy. All credit to Diana as she has told them in no uncertain terms that she and Sue will take care of the eulogy and family flowers will be on the coffin. 

Oh, I am so looking forward to meeting this woman at the funeral. I'm not good at holding my tongue as others can testify.

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