A Wonderful sunny day ....
at Scotney Castle!
I know it was blipped last week!
But I have just added a few more
views ! The original castle surrounded
by a moat is shown from from the back
and front . The family ( the 2nd
Christopher Hussey ) lived there
until he committed suiside, it was
then that his wife went to London
as she wasn't happy at Scotney!
When the 3rd Hussey ( Edward)
inherited the estate, now in disrepair
he commissioned Anthony Salvin
to create a house in the Elizabethen
style( 1837)at the top of the hill!
The views from this house are
stunning . When Edwards wife
died( her husband had already
died ) she left the house and estate
to the National Trust. It is a lovely
place to visit, since 2006 you can
go into the house, I had been to the
gardens before but today was the
1st time I had been into the house,
very interesting.
Now I hope you have all read my history,
If not sit on the naughty step for 10minuites?????
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