Wisteria on the cabin
I didn't have any office work to do today, so spent some long hours in the garden doing spring chores; strimming, weeding, brushing paths and watering plants.
I then took to bed for a little siesta late in the afternoon which revived me and my limbs. Then as the sun began to set, and just before its rays completely left the garden, I went to record the first flowers of the wisteria which I planted a couple of years ago to climb over the cabin. I haven't managed to nurture its growth properly, so it is a bit bedraggled but it loves to flower as you can see. This year I have promised myself that I will try to train it properly (oh yeah? says this Blip editor).
I will be back to take a close up of its flowers in due course, but today I rather liked this view looking upwards, with the reflections of the sky in the cabin window, and traces of the old umbrella plant inside the cabin.
You might just be able to see a little spider under the flowers at the far right of the picture. I think it will be a good year for spiders.
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