Random Andom

By RandomAndom

The best news I've had in months!

The picture above is a cupboard. An empty cupboard.
And the fact that this cupboard is empty is cause for much celebration!!

This cupboard belonged to the crazy girl who lived in our house!!
It's empty! She's gone!!

The crazy girl, who for the first 6 months of living with us only ate sausages, chips and fried egg.
Seriously, that was the ONLY food she ate! Every single day!

The crazy girl who left the front door wide open in the middle of the afternoon, and then screamed her head off at me because I didn't lock once 4 months previously.

The crazy girl who freaked out when she thought she saw a needle on a tv show. She then said she hates needles and blood and stuff like that.

She is a doctor.


The crazy girl who at hogmanay went to a Harry Potter Party. And three days before attending that party she asked me what she should wear.

The crazy girl who recently has been refusing to acknowledge my existence. I tried talking to her several days ago about a house keeping matter. He ignored me. I repeated myself, she continued to ignore me. I tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention and to check if I actually did still exist. She then spoke to Ivano and said if I ever go near her again she will all the police and have me charged with assault!

But now she is gone. Now there is peace.

For some strange reason I have "Ding dong the witch is dead"

The cupboard is bare, the house is a safe place once again. And the crazy girl has gone.

Good times!

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