No construction in sight, but upon closer inspection, two metal posts in the ground. My guess is that a road sign is supposed to be there and the pylons should be covering the posts to warn motorists of their existence. Slacking.
Random thoughts and ponderings...
*What makes us catch a glimpse of something, drive a half mile, make a U-turn, and come back to photograph it?
*Tucson record high for today is 105F. Forecast is 107F.
*My day to sleep for more than seven hours is Sunday. I'm retired. Why should it matter?
*The smoke from the huge wildfire in New Mexico is reaching Tucson.
*What is really going to happen in the year 2525 if man is still alive?
*News reporter here named Planalp. Could that be real?
*When do we complain about the weather and when are we glad for it? Are rainy days always bad and hot sunny days always great?
*Golf carts on the road in a retirement town are a hazard to my potential road rage.
*If the plural of mouse is mice why isn't the plural of house, hice?
*I have alots of "-ists". Ten I think. Pulmonologist, Nephrologist...
*This week the speed limit has been lowered on the main drag in town to 35 mph. Don't understand it. It's not like old people are exactly speed demons. I would pass them when I was going 40 mph.
PS In the interest of not boring you and forcing you to be polite to me, I cut this list down from 158 items.
Have a great weekend everyone!
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