
By Poppy

Supervising the hens!

As often as I can, I let the hens out their pen so they can have access to more interesting places to explore and scratch amongst.  Ollie loves it, he loves being able to nose around them, doing his best to keep them all together and chivvying them where he thinks they should be.  He gets very agitated when they try to go in three different directions and he can't work out which one to go and herd back first!

I don't completely trust him with the hens, I would never take my eye off him for long, but when he does start getting a bit excited by them, usually a firm "Oliver?"  and a hard stare does the trick!  They don't seem worried by him at all, and regularly peck at his paws when he gets in their way!

You will see I have been at him with the scissors - so much cooler for him and so much less mud coming in on his fur!  First thing he did was dash into the sea!

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