
By weemusings


Our street like many still in Edinburgh and beyond is cobbled. Although they look great I don't think they are built in mind for today's traffic.

My husband woke me up this morning to say our car had a flat tyre. Whether this is from the numerous pot holes not too dissimilar from the one that I have created in my blip above (thanks to playing around with effects on my PC) or we have in fact punctured the wheel remains to be seen.

Of course he was now running late for work and I was now working out who may have a pump, as changing the wheel was not a option for me on my own!
Luckily he had phoned someone who popped round within a couple of hours to help me out. Let's hope the tyre stays inflated at least overnight.

In the meantime the car is staying where it is as I don't want to risk it deflating again on me whilst out and about. At least I had no plans to go anywhere today!!

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