Flower Power and (mostly) 1968

- There are nearly 2000 species of buttercups that mostly inhabit northern hemisphere. 
- Scientific name of a buttercup, "Ranunculus", originates from Latin and literally means "little frog". 
- Buttercups have shiny petals because the angle at which the light travels to the surface equals the angle at which it travels out, so all of the reflected light travels in the same direction. 
-All parts of a buttercup are poisonous for cattle and humans. 
-Even though compounds isolated from buttercups have toxic effect on  humans, they can be used in medical purposes for treatment of rheumatism.
More  buttercup fun flower facts for friday here and here

Cue 1968 buttercup song

1968 British Music Nostalgia Friday Fest:  here, here and here (sigh) - I could go on 'cos I really do think it is one of the best years in the history of British popular culture music.  Now feeling old and a bit of a rock babe.  This on the day when in Studio Art class this morning, we all painted to this (1973) in mesmeric silence - but I 've blipped this before, cos I do it every year....

Meanwhile it was a warm and peaceful Friday with bright sunshine, blue skies, carpets of buttercups dancing in the oh-so-slight spring breeze and omniphonic bird song - perfect.  (did I just invent a word?) Happy weekend everyone !  I'm off to listen to more sounds from '68 cos, Those Were The Days

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