Window Shopping.

I phoned up the doctors yesterday, for the results of my blood test ,that i had last week. The receptionist informed me, that it would have to been done again in a week. i said, it has been a week. Right, i can fit you in tomorrow  (today) for another blood test. I turned up this morning ,and went down to the conservatory to wait. The was an old gentleman and a younger one waiting before me, so i said , are they running late?  The younger one said, if you are going in after me, you might be some time. I of course asked why? and he replied , because the last time i gave blood i fainted ,and they had to give me Lucozade to bring me round. The elderly man said, in disbelief, a big strong man like you, and he laughed and said, would you believe, i am a butcher, and can handle animal livers , kidneys etc, but the sight of a needle or a  white coat and i faint .  I said, are you nervous, and he said i am shaking.  My name was called then so off i went. When i went in to the nurses room, i asked her why i had to have another test. She checked the computer and said, because the form hadn't been ticked  to say what i was giving the blood for, the hospital will just throw it away. Surely they could have got in touch with the surgery  to find out. Anyway after the docs, it was up to M & S to do the food shop.  After that we had a snack ,and then i wanted to  look for new jeans. I took five pairs in  to try on, and bought two pairs.  J had had enough by then he loves shopping   so we came home.  Hope you all have a great weekend.

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