
By milltownlass


Just finished reading Stuart: A Life Backwards. It was difficult to read, as Stuart is a homeless, chaotic man whose tragic childhood led him to drug addiction and violence as an adult. It was Stuart's own idea, that his biography should start at the finish, as he felt that any reader would put the book to one side long before the end, if they had read about his childhood. An eyeopener to a different sort of life, it's another from F's list.

Casualties of Peterloo, I've had for a while but never opened. I wish I had now because I think one of the casualties listed could be one of my ancestors! It's got me mulling over my family history again.

Big shock at 7.15pm, as I was driving to pick up my daughter. My jaw dropped when the van in front of me slowed down and A DEER ran across the road. Might not be such a shock for those who live in rural areas, but I don't. This was a road through a greenbelt of land in suburbia! 

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