Flower Friday

Brother-in-law showed some reaction when we visited him today in the local hospital. Hopefully, he will continue to improve but we realise it will be a slow process.
We were devastated last night to hear of a dear friend who was admitted to intensive care in the same hospital in St Pölten as Hubby's brother was. We drove his wife there to visit him this afternoon while they are awaiting his transfer to another hospital in Vienna for surgery. Hubby says our thumbs are becoming thinner from all the holding we have been doing over the last 2 weeks. (They hold thumbs here like we cross fingers for luck).
I took this dandelion and bonus bee using extension tubes this morning as I knew I wouldn´t have much time today for a blip. I have never given dandelions the time of day before but I am falling in love with them as a wonderful flower to photograph.

Edit: not sure why this looks so dark - it was ok when I uploaded.

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