
By PeckhamBelle

Summer Term

.. And the living is easy.

This is the only photo I took today, so I won't be using the rather nice new mystery feature quite yet.

As I approached Tommo and his mates lying on the fields at the end of the day, I was (of course) thinking about my Blip. Worried that they'd all scatter like pigeons as I got near I called out 'don't move! Stay there - I'm just going to take a picture'. At which point they all went 'oooh Tom! You called it!! How did you know??! Oh watttt?' etc, etc as young boys do.

Turns out that Tommo had seen me coming way across the field and said to his mates, 'odds on she'll take a photo of us' and had accumulated a nice stack of bets and a reputation as some sort of psychic.

Not only that but he'd got them lying in height order with their hands in some sort of progressive order down their bodies from L to R. That kid has an eye I tell ya.

After all that I couldn't not use this as my Blip.

The rest of today was a bit work, home, kids, Harry, tea, gym, pick up, drop off, home . . and Jamie home from Portugal. Hurray.

Happy Friday x

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