Last one - A happy accident.

NO! Not the last ever, just the last back blip from the four days away.

I stripped the old, stone-age, Laptop down so far at an earlier problem that there wasn't a single bit of photo-handling software left aboard. (Lap??? top? It's enough to crinkle your femurs: just been to check; it weighs in at about 4kg, or 9lb in real money. And it's 9yr old.)

Being the actual date of our anniversary, we met up with LA and Him, who are now situated WAY down there somewhere, and had a Pub Meal on neutral territory (Half way between them and us).

As you might expect a fair few potential Blips emerged, the committee was called to order and she fell in love with this one.

After we fed, He decided they/we ought to take Millie for a walk.
A difficult concept when all four of you come from far away and don't know the area.

After a bit tootling around, he took a sharp right down an un-surfaced track. It transpired that he'd seen a notice of the ''Garden Open'' variety, and a smashing time was had by all, including Millie.

We noticed guided tours of the Arboretum, led by either Sir Henry Elwes (Of Galanthus Elwesii fame) or a Dr. John Grimshaw.
Twit that I am, it was only as we were leaving that it occurred to me that I have some G. Elwesii at home, so I looked up ''Colesbourne Park'' and  Doc John. He happens to be one of three Authors of ''Snowdrops: A Monograph of Cultivated Galanthus''

Found on ebay as...
RRP: £60.00
Price: £46.80
You Save: £13.20

That's some @£$%^ monograph.

I, also, saw my 1st couple of edible snails while wandering the gardens. And no I didn't, besides they are, apparently, a protected species.

''Roman snails are often referred to as 'Edible Snails', but the common Garden Snail is just as edible. In any case the Roman Snail is now so rare that it has legal protection.''

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