
For Barrioboy, some more yellow with a bit more going on in the sky!

The weather gods have really smiled today. It was pretty wet this morning, but we still enjoyed sitting in our bay window to have an excellent breakfast. Just as we left, around 10am, the hotel manager said that she thought it would brighten up. It didn't immediately - it continued raining all through a side trip to Duns to find a pharmacy, and for most of our rather circuitous route to see Mylo - oh and his mum and dad as well. We very much enjoyed our visit to the Whiteadder valley, and I took some pictures of the views that I've enjoyed in Mylo's journal over the years. It was great to meet a blipper two days running, and to enjoy that free flowing chat that always seems to come when blippers get together.

Gradually the day improved, and as we reversed our steps on the way back to the hotel in the early afternoon, we made many photo stops, but I wasn't happy with any of my pictures of gorse, pylons and hillsides. So in the end, I took both my blips today standing in more or less the same spot, just outside the hotel. In one direction, you can see the hotel. And in the other, a window on the fields of rapeseed, with the Cheviots as a blue-ish backdrop.

What a place!

Hoping for an enjoyable and stimulating evening of wine, dinner, conversation and philosophy. Will report more tomorrow.

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