Snake's head fritillaries, Royal Botanic Garden

My day started very well. I paid a return visit to the physio exactly one calendar month since I limped in with my sore ankle. He checked me over and agreed with me that I am cured! This means I can return to running - yippee! However, I have to do so very gently. It should take six weeks to get me back to my regular routine. (I wonder how long it will take for me to lose the half stone in weight that I have acquired since my exercise routine was interrupted five months ago?)

Later in the day Mr hazelh and I ignored the weather forecast and went for a walk without an umbrella. As things turned out, the predicted rain did not materialise, and the afternoon has been fine with plenty of sunshine. I blipped these snake's head fritillaries in the Royal Botanic Garden.

Exercise today: lots of walking (17,463 steps by mid-afternoon).

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