A Glimpse At Who I Am!

By georgexx


Could represent a lot today!

A kiss? Always reminded of my grandad on this date as it would have been his and my nans wedding anniversary! I worshipped him as a little girl, to the point it was him who gave me away at my wedding!

A cross...to mark the spot? Probably of where I left my sanity! Being at home all day has been boring! Realised how much I love my job being off!

X for our vote! Much debate in our house about elections at the moment! Hubby has made his mind up who he's voting for. I am undecided! I know who I don't want to vote for and hubby is voting for one of those parties! (Not UKIP thankfully!) torn between two. One I like the main policies of but not keen on our local candidate, and the other who's policies I like and who's local candidate was my lecturer at uni but doesn't stand a chance of being elected. Head or heart vote in this election I think!

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