Local Sunset

Have been updating my work but ever so slowly.  I'm so easily distracted I need to take time and look at what I'm doing to make sure I didn't forget anything.  Sometimes, a moment of dizziness or nausea, or shortness of breath accompanied by a thin layer of perspiration.  My arms aren't much of a bother, at least.  I could stop but then the backlog will begin and I'll start panicking and the whole thing will go back to square one.

At about 6, I asked hubby if we could take a walk -- specifically to a local restaurant where I could have a sugar fix.  Hubby agreed and so off we went at a leisurely pace.  We ended up having dinner there -- a tasty carpaccio, fresh asparagus soup (the Dutch call it 'white gold'), a pork dish (don't know how to translate the name) with fried potatoes and wild asparagus and beans, and then dessert which was Dame Blanche for hubby (we translated it into Dumb Blond) and a creme brullée for me.

After dinner we continued our walk in the other direction and I shot this.  If you look at the left side, you'll see a cowboy figure -- that's hubby.

What I find fab to think about is that I can return to my backlog without the annoying distraction of dirty dinner dishes.  Besides that, the backlog has been reduced by about a third.

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