Pedal on Parliament

Today was the 4th Pedal on Parliament, which goes from the Meadows to the Parliament at Holyrood. We were on the first one but had not been able to make the next two. There were more this time; I'm not much cop at estimating the numbers but it took time for everyone to arrive. The aim is to highlight cycling to the politicians and all parties at Holyrood get involved. The Minister for Transport, Derek Mackay, and the Lib Dem's leader, Willie Rennie took part in the ride and were joined in saying a few words by a student leader from Edinburgh, the Greens, Labour and a strange contribution from a Tory, who was booed when introduced. Their popularity knows no bounds. The blip is taken at the parliament and we were lucky with the weather. I have decided to use the new facility of extra photos to include a couple of the more unusual participants,

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