
By patrona

Location Location Location

I have had a lovely day, I lingered over breakfast on the terrace, blew some leaves, scooped the pool, dusted off the furniture outside (the oak pollen will be a pain for 4 weeks) and noticed that the robin was displaying without a trace of fear.

It is building a nest in the large aspidistra which is thriving in front of the pergola by the pool, not the most sensible place but lovely from my point of view as I can lie on my sofas and watch as he scurries back and forth with a mouthful of moss or straw or grass and enjoy his little ritual as he flies from perch to ground to chair arm to pot to ground before he disappears into the stalks and then reappears very quickly having dumped his load of nesting material.

I am so excited that I have discovered his locus, I love robins although I know they have a reputation for viciousness and are very territorial. I am looking forward to watching the eggs hatch and the baby robins emerge, if nothing else it will make blips easier. I will also post some dead cat pictures if they dare to try to disturb the nest, nature often needs a little help from us humans.

So that has taken up most of my day , the family have been singularly unimpressed by lack of lunch and dinner, but as I said to them, Blip comes first!

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