Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


I have to say it's been a very, very long and difficult week. Good then to go down the pub with my big son and Mr B and his lad, the mighty J - a Royal marine none the less. Four pints of beer later and I have to confess it's all catching up with me. Time to get out when the phrase "know your limits" is ringing like a dose of tinnitus in your head.

Talking of slumps ... oh what a lovely day for global economic news.

Spent all day today in a board meeting. Nice views, shame about the coffee and sandwiches. Interesting way to conclude the working week. Can't complain though, had breakfast in a very nice little family run Italian cafe and finished off with an excellent veggie burger in the pub. Seriously.

Had a nice catch up with Mr B tonight. Discussions about human nature and mutual acquaintances. I do miss his mordant wit...

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