The Green Grass of Home

By aCaseiro

Oedemerata.... Lurida?.. Virescens? .. Monticola?

I don't know the exact species, because the difference between Oedemerata Lurida, Oedemerata Virescens and Oedemerata Monticola, can only be determined by dissection. 

The coloration doesn't determines the specie....

Yesterday I posted a brown / greyish Odemerata.. today I found a green /copper... still having to find   a full copper one. Blue / green odemeratas I have found many... it seems to be the most common variety areound here where I live.

Oedemerata.... Lurida, Virescens e Monticola also have different sizes, but it's a just a question of one or two milimeters. And how do I know if I am photographing a fully grown adult or a juvenile? This one was 1 centimetre long from head to backend. 

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