
By Snazzledazzle

Roseisle Beach

My mum's final journey. We took her ashes to Roseisle Beach, one of her favourite places and somewhere she specifically requested for her ashes. She has a nice spot with a view and she's also in the sea too. I don't think I got too much of her ashes blowing back over me. Phew! The nice spot with the view turned out to be perfect in a funny way, because of a family joke where my granny mistook rabbit droppings for marram grass seeds and there were rabbit droppings and marram grass close to the spot we chose for my mum. She would have had a chuckle about that.

What a journey you have to take when someone close to you dies. It's been exactly 3 months now and when we first got her ashes I couldn't even look at them, and cried the biggest sobs from the depths of my being, but I was mostly fine with the ashes today. You find strength that you don't know you have, but also such sadness that you didn't know it was possible to experience. However, as my mum would have said, 'You just have to get on with it'. She was so strong in the face of so many illnesses - macular degeneration, heart problems, diabetes, kidney problems - and she is an inspiration for me.

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