I had to settle for a Plastic pot.
Dash down to Crook, where there's a Garden & Pond centre. No luck finding what we were after.
Up to Lakeland© for replacement Nomex gloves: which DO burn if left over-long on an accidentally left alight gass-ring, & a couple of Beer kits with a fiver off each.
and a bite to eat.
Thence to Hayes garden World - more lack of success and settled for a well "lipped" plastic plant pot.
We were losing a helluva lot of water from the pond, associated with running the waterfall(s). A recent trip behind "The heap" showed the outflow pot had deteriorated to the extent that some was being lost B4 reaching the outflow into the "Header Pool" (NOT as posh as it sounds)
I/we was/were hunting suitable, plastic, replacement.
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
NOT the one we bought; I can't pin it down.
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