Early start for a meeting with a man about a hedge, along with an unexpected history lesson on our house. Later, some gardening to the tune of some (apparently) hard-to-play jazz on the piano and a trip to the vide grenier in our village. We should really have taken a stall ourselves, but the impossibility of sorting out all the boxes in the attic in time defeated me. Next year...
Actually, our most local vide grenier is my least favourite, as I generally know most of the stall holders, and it feels odd to buy things from your friends. I was tempted by some knobbly wool, but was beaten to it. TallGirl bought another small owl for my Mam, and CarbBoy was, as is now traditional, mugged by some Pokemon cards. Still, a nice wander with lots of catching up after the (seemingly endless) holidays. The kids are back at school tomorrow (hurrah), and Mr B is to be taken to the airport at a very early hour (un-hurrah).
Anyway, the afternoon was super-hot and muggy, with thunderstorms forecast, so there was a mix of gardening (to the tune of Mr B's Bumper Book of Film Themes), sitting in the heat reading and sipping a very refreshing G&T, and printing endless pictures for TallGirl's Spanish project - due in tomorrow.
And later in the afternoon the heavens opened. We are due, apparently, an inch or so of rain overnight. The plants were all looking very refreshed when I took some photos at 6pm; they may be a little over-refreshed if it carries on this way much longer.
(Like some other blippers, I'm a little underwhelmed by the 'extra photos' feature. Nice to have, but maybe a lower priority than some of the bigger fixes? Regardless, I'll give anything a go (except the proverbial) so there's another drippy plant attached. This time the Japanese Maple Mr B has always wanted, and that I bought him as a present to thank him for being willing to go away for longer than he wants to for work. Hope I can keep it alive until he's back... There's a mini-me in the drip. Honest.)
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