
A drive up north and into the Peaks today for the good flying air moving in. We arrived to gaggles of paragliders already forming and heading over the back of the hill. Never seen so many out!

Cleared things out nicely for us hangies (and a further stream of paragliders) with M and N heading off towards Oxford via Bottesford. I had already decided to just fly local and the thermals were booming when they came through.

The air was exceptionally cold - I ended up landing earlier than otherwise before my fingers fell off. The new gloves are great for grip ... but not warm. Unfortunately the thermal inserts were stowed in my harness. As were my car keys, otherwise frostbite or not I would have gone as an unexpected offer of retrieve presented itself while in the air!

A good day to shake off the cobwebs, and then sit outside a pub in the sun. Some big flights today by those more organised or not caring how get back. I had fun though, which is what matters.

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