Sixth Sunday

Actually only my fifth, having missed the fifth session when I went to Manchester.

Very sleepy and 'painful' day.  My arms were a 'pain in the butt' last night and kept me awake most of the time, and then my neck joined in so that I had to find a position comfortable enough to suit all three body parts.  The moment I got home (and I had already powernapped in a lay-by on the way), I took two Ibuprofen and went to bed for a couple of hours.

Hubby and I had agreed earlier that, actually, I don't need the certificate that will be given at the end of the course.  I am attending this only to fulfill the requirement for professionalization required by my employer.  At the same time, though, the challenge of making a business plan is still there, so I'll keep attending the sessions but, this time, stress free.

Btw, hubby has been diagnosed as allergy-free.  He only has a particular sensitivity when his skin is 'too covered' -- tight-fitting polyester, or if his hearing aid is too snugly attached, and this results in irritation and itching.  He's got a couple of medical creams / lotions now to balance this and they seem to work.

I am thinking twice about King's Day tomorrow.  Something tells me to better go for an activity that will not tire me out too much.  We'll see.

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